My portfolio

Resume title:

Resume caption:

Your professional skills:

Recommended skills
Enter tags that describe your skills, profession or knowledge. For example - programmer, advanced computer user, MBA, PHP, etc.

Professional categories:

Start typing the name of the profession you own and the system will offer you a choice from a specialized catalog. It's not obligatory. However, picking values from the classifier will make it easy for other people to find you. You can select multiple categories at the same time.

Your location:


Foreign language:

Your education:

Detailed information about your education:

The level of education:

The level of academic degree:

Your experience:

enter where and when you worked, in which projects you participated

Place of work:



Working hours:

Your current goals or projects:

what you are doing at the moment, your current projects or long-term goals

Your current income level:

This data is not available to other users and is needed only to collect statistical information and individual offers!

Minimum desired income:

If there are interesting individual offers, we will notify you! :)


Do not stop there, even if you have a good job!

We will help you find a decent, high-paying place without disclosing your personal data. Your personal data will be disclosed to a potential employer ONLY after receiving consent from you!